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Michigan Open Carry Legal Fund

Michigan Open Carry will occasionally engage in active litigation where appropriate to fight for your right to openly carry a holstered handgun. Your donation to our Legal Fund is critical to this mission!


*** New Way to Pay! ***

You'll notice that you have two payment methods available: Credit Card and ACH/EFT.

Credit Card is self explanatory, but you might be wondering what ACH/EFT is.

Basically think of it as a transfer directly from your bank account to ours. If you've made a car or mortgage payment online, you've made an ACH/EFT payment.

While the funds transfer will usually take a day or two when using ACH/EFT, using this method will make your greatly appreciated donation go further, as there is only a small, flat rate fee. In comparison, credit card processing has not only a flat rate fee, but then a certain percentage of the total amount.

Total Amount
Name and Address